650 words essay

Getting into college shouldn’t be about wasting time and money on quick fixes to make your application look shinier—it should be about growing into a person (and writer!) who is ready to tackle a top school. Nothing makes you a better writer than one-on-one work with a writer who knows how to edit and teach. So start with me from the beginning of your application writing and master a writing process that will serve you from this essay through college and beyond.

This five-week package is designed to lead you to your best 650 words essay, which can be used for the Common Application, the Coalition Application, or both! It includes tools and one-on-one guidance to take you from a blank page to an essay you can’t wait to submit! First you’ll complete brainstorming exercises and a self-guided video lesson with an in-depth exploration of a model essay and what makes it work. Then we’ll work together to choose your best topic, structure it, and edit and polish it in four one-to-one coaching sessions. I can’t wait to read the story you’re going to tell!

Click here for a free 15-minute consultation to decide if Your Best 650 words essay is the right package for your needs, or click here to see how soon you could be scheduling your first one-on-one session!

650 words essay
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