What stories will you tell about your high-school years?

Why You Need This Book
Every year I meet students who discover only when it’s time to write their college applications that they haven’t done many activities they can write about. Others find they don’t remember any specific stories to tell. I wrote this book to prevent that experience.
Using this journal will make the eventual application process both easier and more valuable for students
by making it more proactive and reflective.
Plan your activities to fit in all of the experiences you want to have before the end of high school.
Get helpful tips about how to do more of what you love and also prepare for the types of questions college applications will ask.
Reflect on who you want to be.
The journal asks you to consider not only what you’re doing, but what you want to be doing and who you are becoming.
Record your memories so you remember all of the interesting details.
Keep track as you go, providing a wonderful high-school memento–and saving you a lot of time trying to remember as you write your applications.
Think ahead about college and career.
Start to explore the careers available in fields that interest you, with ideas on how to do that and places to record your experiences.
"I love the format and the tone of this journal. And I like how it breaks things out into manageable little bits. The idea of just writing for 20 minutes really helps to break down the big barrier of just getting started."

About the Author
Cara Kalf is a writer, editor and teacher who has worked with high-school juniors and seniors on the college application essay-writing process since 2013. Clear, effective writing not only opens the doors to higher education—it will be critical when students get there.
“I love giving my students the tools to find and tell great stories, and seeing both their writing and their confidence improve. I know those writing skills—and that confidence—will take them through high school, college and beyond.”

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