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What NOT to Write in Your College Essay
What NOT to Write in Your College Essay I never cease to be amazed by the extensive collection of topics the internet tells you NEVER to write about for your college essay: times you were happy, times you were sad, times you were successful, times you made a mistake, times you helped someone less...

How to Write an Essay on College Football
Essay on College Football It's football season. Not only football players, but marching band members, cheerleaders, majorettes, dance team members, and student section spirit leaders--to name a few--are out on the field overcoming obstacles and making memories. If that's been a major part of your...

Why Do You Want to Attend This College, Anyway?
Why Do You Want to Attend This College, Anyway? It’s hard not to resent supplements. You’ve poured your heart and soul into your Common App essay—it’s a thing of beauty, it’s 650 words, and it’s DONE!—and then right on its heels come the supplements. Of all of the supplements you’ll...

How to Write a US College Admissions Essay
How to Write a US College Admissions Essay The U.S. college obsession is not limited to U.S. students. Top universities across the country are eager to have students from all over the world, and those students are just as eager to study here. If you’re a foreign student wondering how to write the...

Describe a Person You Admire
Describe a Person You Admire Most schools give you a lot of flexibility in the way you choose to present yourself in an essay. There are seven Common App prompts and six Coalition App prompts—and both include one that is “anything else you want to write about.” But whether for a supplemental...

Meeting Your College Admissions Deadlines 2022 – 2023
Meeting Your College Admissions Deadlines 2022 - 2023 If you’re applying for college admission for fall of 2023, it’s time to create and commit to a schedule. Yes, already. Application deadlines are not flexible! Right now they feel very far away—but ignore them even briefly, and you will find...

College Essay Specifics: Writing about your Goals in Life
College Essay Specifics: Writing about Your Goals in Life Not every school is going to ask you about your goals in life—but even if they don’t, isn’t it time you started asking yourself? Before you embark on a four-year mission to Get Educated and Prepare for your Future, perhaps you want to...

Your Essay Is Your Introduction
Your Essay Is Your Introduction It’s here! College essay season is officially here. Are you EXCITED?! Your college application essay is your introduction to the people evaluating you as a student, and even as a person. It is your chance to show not just all of the impressive things you do,...

Tips For Selecting A College Essay Topic
If you’re frozen at the very first step in your college essay-writing process, I can’t blame you. Choosing a college essay topic really is as important as you’re making it, so it’s worth brainstorming thoroughly and evaluating your choices carefully. Why Does the Essay Topic Matter? As I’ve...

Types of College Application Essay
Types of College Application Essay For most students applying to competitive colleges, the first essay is just the beginning. If you’re applying to a dozen or more schools, you may find you’re looking at 20 or more different essay prompts! But as I’ve written before, you absolutely should...